The Turing (OOT) Translation Table

This file defines translations into TEX code for keywords of OOT (Object-Oriented Turing). It also defines translations for special tokens, such as [[<=]]. «The [[translation]] table»= «Initialization» «Reserved words» «Translations for operators»

@ «Initialization»= translation := table() # Initialize the translation table to contain nulls.

@ «Reserved words»= translation["addressint"] := "
Cbaddressint" translation["all"] := "
Cball" translation["and"] := "
land" translation["anyclass"] := "
Cbanyclass" translation["array"] := "
Cbarray" translation["assert"] := "
Cbassert" translation["begin"] := "
Cbbegin" translation["bind"] := "
Cbbind" translation["body"] := "
Cbbody" translation["boolean"] := "
Cbboolean" translation["case"] := "
Cbcase" translation["char"] := "
Cbchar" translation["checked"] := "
Cbchecked" translation["class"] := "
Cbclass" translation["close"] := "
Cbclose" translation["collection"] := "
Cbcollection" translation["const"] := "
Cbconst" translation["decreasing"] := "
Cbdecreasing" translation["deferred"] := "
Cbdeferred" translation["div"] := "
Cbdiv" translation["else"] := "
Cbelse" translation["elsif"] := "
Cbelsif" translation["end"] := "
Cbend" translation["enum"] := "
Cbenum" translation["exit"] := "
Cbexit" translation["expand"] := "
Cbexpand" translation["export"] := "
Cbexport" translation["external"] := "
Cbexternal" translation["for"] := "
Cbfor" translation["fork"] := "
Cbfork" translation["forward"] := "
Cbforward" translation["free"] := "
Cbfree" translation["function"] := "

@ «Reserved words»= translation["get"] := "
Cbget" translation["if"] := "
Cbif" translation["implement"] := "
Cbimplement" translation["import"] := "
Cbimport" translation["in"] := "
in" translation["include"] := "
Cbinclude" translation["init"] := "
Cbinit" translation["int"] := "
Cbint" translation["int1"] := "
Cbint1" translation["int2"] := "
Cbint2" translation["int4"] := "
Cbint4" translation["invariant"] := "
Cbinvariant" translation["label"] := "
Cblabel" translation["loop"] := "
Cbloop" translation["mod"] := "
Cbmod" translation["module"] := "
Cbmodule" translation["monitor"] := "
Cbmonitor" translation["nat"] := "
Cbnat" translation["nat1"] := "
Cbnat1" translation["nat2"] := "
Cbnat2" translation["nat4"] := "
Cbnat4" translation["new"] := "
Cbnew" translation["nil"] := "
Cbnil" translation["not"] := "
neg" translation["of"] := "
Cbof" translation["opaque"] := "
Cbopaque" translation["open"] := "
Cbopen" translation["or"] := "
lor" translation["pause"] := "
Cbpause" translation["pervasive"] := "
Cbpervasive" translation["pointer"] := "
Cbpointer" translation["post"] := "
Cbpost" translation["pre"] := "
Cbpre" translation["procedure"] := "
Cbprocedure" translation["process"] := "
Cbprocess" translation["put"] := "
Cbput" translation["quit"] := "
Cbquit" translation["read"] := "
Cbread" translation["real"] := "
Cbreal" translation["real4"] := "
Cbreal4" translation["real8"] := "
Cbreal8" translation["record"] := "
Cbrecord" translation["register"] := "
Cbregister" translation["result"] := "
Cbresult" translation["return"] := "

@ «Reserved words»= translation["seek"] := "
Cbseek" translation["set"] := "
Cbset" translation["shl"] := "
lhd" translation["shr"] := "
rhd" translation["signal"] := "
Cbsignal" translation["skip"] := "
Cbskip" translation["string"] := "
Cbstring" translation["tag"] := "
Cbtag" translation["tell"] := "
Cbtell" translation["then"] := "
Cbthen" translation["to"] := "
Cbto" translation["true"] := "
Cbtrue" translation["type"] := "
Cbtype" translation["unchecked"] := "
Cbunchecked" translation["union"] := "
Cbunion" translation["unit"] := "
Cbunit" translation["var"] := "
Cbvar" translation["wait"] := "
Cbwait" translation["when"] := "
Cbwhen" translation["write"] := "
Cbwrite" translation["xor"] := "

@ «Translations for operators»= translation["<"] := "<" translation[">"] := ">" translation["<="] := "
le" translation[">="] := "
ge" translation["=>"] := "
Rightarrow" translation[" ="] := "
neq" translation["->"] := "